Our Council, Boards, & Committees

The Session

The Session is the Council of Elders for the congregation. These Elders are set forth in Scripture as those who have the responsibility for governing the congregation and guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God. The Session has the responsibility and power to provide that the Word of God may be truly preached and heard, to provide that the sacraments may be rightly administered and received, and to nurture the covenant community of disciples of Christ.

Mission and Outreach

The Mission and Outreach Committee leads the congregation toward Christ’s mission by creating opportunities for discerning his call to ministries of outreach. This committee nurtures a discerning call in prayer; it equips members to consider where Christ is moving in our neighborhood, and it prepares opportunities to build relationships with our local community and broader church.

Worship and Music

The Worship and Music Committee ensures the worship service brings honor and glory to God through the preaching of the Word, the celebration of the sacraments, corporate prayers and the offering of praise to God in song. Our hope is to create a welcoming and authentically uplifting church experience.

Christian Education

The Christian Education Committee forms disciples through creating opportunities to learn about God’s story for our lives. The CE committee provides opportunities for children, youth, and adults through Sunday school, Bible studies, youth group, and the Westminster Preschool. Our ministry encourages church members to deepen their faith in choosing curriculum to support classes, supporting youth ministry and confirmation programs, and overseeing the preschool.


The Generosity Committee seeks to grow the church’s understanding that giving is the primary expression of Christian discipleship. This committee organizes a year-round emphasis on Christian giving and discipleship through fellowship, prayer, and tithing to support the mission of the congregation.


The Finance Committee oversees the financial welfare of the church through preparing a budget that supports Westminster’s mission to our members, the local community, and the church of Jesus Christ.


The Nominations Committee works to ensure a discerning process for church members to be called by God and the congregation to serve the offices of Ruling Elder and Deacon as active members of the Session and Board of Deacons. Additionally, this committee recommends Trustees to serve on the Board of Trustees.


The Personnel Committee provides a focused and considered means for the Session to provide a healthy work environment, encourage professional growth and development for all staff, and seek congregational input to help church staff be more responsive to changing needs of the church membership, the community, and the larger church.

Safe Church

The Safe Church Task Force strives to extend a generous welcome to all who enter our doors. We hope to treat everyone with the love and dignity that God bestows upon each and every one of us. We want people of all ages and capabilities to be able to deepen their relationship with God and each other in a safe space.

Board of Deacons

The ministry of the Board of Deacons is set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service. The Deacons provide congregational care for those in the church and community who are in need of extra care through life’s circumstances. Additionally, the Deacons host congregational events for the nurturing of relationships in fellowship.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees ministers to the congregation through providing for the church’s property as a tool for the accomplishment of the mission of Jesus Christ.

Manse Committee

The Manse Committee ensures that the manse continues to be a well-maintained and attractive home for the Westminster congregation and the Pastor’s family.

Westminster Church Youth Program

The Westminster Church Youth Program continually strives to gain knowledge of our Lord and Savior as we grow in faith. This ministry supports church and community programs, has fun, encourages others, gives time and talents, and lives-out a Godly example.